Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheets for Grade 5 with Answers

Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheets for Grade 5 with Answers

Are you looking for subject-verb agreement worksheets for your fifth-grader? Look no further! These worksheets are designed to help your child master the concept of subject-verb agreement and come with answer keys for easy grading.

But first, what is subject-verb agreement? It is the rule that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. For example, “The cat walks” is correct because the singular subject “cat” agrees with the singular verb “walks.” However, “The cats walks” is incorrect because the plural subject “cats” does not agree with the singular verb “walks.”

Now, let’s dive into the worksheets.

Worksheet 1: Singular or Plural Subjects and Verbs

This worksheet requires your child to identify whether the subject is singular or plural and then choose the correct verb form to agree with it. It includes 10 sentences and an answer key.

Worksheet 2: Collective Nouns and Verbs

This worksheet focuses on collective nouns, which are singular nouns that represent a group of people or things. Your child will need to choose the correct singular or plural form of the verb to agree with the collective noun. It includes 10 sentences and an answer key.

Worksheet 3: Indefinite Pronouns and Verbs

Indefinite pronouns are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person or thing. Your child will need to choose the correct singular or plural form of the verb to agree with the indefinite pronoun in this worksheet. It includes 10 sentences and an answer key.

Worksheet 4: Complex Subjects and Verbs

This worksheet requires your child to identify the complete subject in a sentence and then choose the correct verb form to agree with it. It includes 10 sentences and an answer key.

Worksheet 5: Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement

This worksheet is designed to challenge your child’s understanding of subject-verb agreement. It includes sentences with compound subjects, collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, and complex sentences. Your child will need to identify the subject and choose the correct verb form to agree with it. It includes 10 sentences and an answer key.

These worksheets will provide your fifth-grader with the practice they need to master subject-verb agreement. By understanding this grammar rule, your child will be able to communicate clearly and effectively in their writing and speech. Happy practicing!